Last month, the government announced that it will be mandatory to wear facemasks in shops and supermarkets from 25th July. However, if you are a spectacle wearer and have used a facemask before, you will know that glasses easily fog up in this scenario.

Why glasses fog up when you wear a face mask Due to the way facemasks sit on the face, when we exhale, warm breath rises and escapes through the top of the mask; making contact with our much cooler lenses, causing them to steam up and cloud our vision. Warm breath also creates extra moisture around our frames, reducing the grip of the nose pads, causing them to slip down our face. This can be extremely frustrating, especially during day-to-day activities where you have to wear glasses and a facemask for a prolonged period of time. Our optical experts have put together 3 top tips to help you battle the fog. 1. Tuck your mask behind your glasses If you don’t own a facemask with a nose ridge, don’t despair! You can still limit how much your glasses steam up while wearing a regular, disposable mask. Simply tuck your facemask behind your glasses as much as you can. By doing this, you divert warm breath away from your lenses and reduce how much contact is makes. 2. Use tissue and tape to absorb moisture Although the tuck tip above helps limit how much warm breath makes contact with your lenses, it does not stop moisture from building up at the top of the mask and around the bridge of your nose. This can become incredibly frustrating and cause your glasses to slip. To help soak up moisture, you can tape some regular tissue to the top inside of your mask, which will absorb any excess residue. 3. Anti-fog wipes We are pleased to stock anti-fog wipes in our branches. These innovative wipes use non-harmful chemicals that minimise surface tension on your glasses, which results in a non-scattering film of water, instead of single droplets. These wipes have been tried and tested by our team and are highly effective at combating condensation. For more information on our anti-fog wipes, and to purchase yours, please visit your local branch. We hope you find these pointers helpful, and you continue to stay safe during these uncertain times. The Kelly Eyecare team