Dry Eye Treatment
Dry eye treatment & advice
Dry eye treatment and advice is on our specialists. We strive to keep up to date with the latest dry eye research and technology. We also attend events and seminars to learn more about new products coming out and only recommend the very best to our customers.

What causes dry eye syndrome?
The tear film is made up of layers of water, salts, oils, proteins and mucus, which are produced by a number of di erent glands and cells situated in and around the eyes. The normal function of the tears is to keep the surface of the eye wet and lubricated, so anything a ecting their quality can produce a gritty, burning sensation of the eyes that can sometimes disturb vision.
You may or may not be aware that you are developing or already have dry eyes. Symptoms can be mild, moderate or extreme. It usually starts with slight persistent redness, grittiness, itchiness which left untreated, can progress to variable, fluctuating and blurred vision. Read on for more information.
Anyone can get dry eye. It can be impacted by
environmental and lifestyle factors, or even
hereditary, but you may be more susceptible if
any of the following apply to you:
Age over 50 , due in part to hormonal changes but the prevalence is increasing in the younger age group due to high screen usage in this age group
Use of make up and skin products which can clog up the tiny pores on the margins of the eye lid, reducing the secretions from the glands in the eyelids.
Wear contact lenses
Large amounts of screen use (computer, phone, tablet etc)
You spend time in air conditioned environments (including cars), or somewhere where it's windy, cold, dry or dusty
You don't get enough vitamin A or omega-3 fatty acids
Certain autoimmune conditions, such as Sjögren's syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus and thyroid deficiency
Certain eye conditions, such as blepharitis (inflammation of the eyelids) or meibomian gland dysfunction (MGD)
Side effects of certain medications

Symptoms of dry eye syndrome
The symptoms of dry eye syndrome usually affect both eyes and often include:
Excessive watering
Eyes feeling gritty and sore
Blurring of Vision
Foreign body sensation (feeling like you have something in your eye)
Tired eyes
Photophobia (Sensitivity to light)
Discomfort when wearing contact lenses
Irritation from wind/smoke
How dry eye syndrome is treated
Dry eye syndrome is not usually a serious condition. Treatments are available to help relieve the symptoms, which include eye drops to lubricate the eyes, heat masks and steam treatment, dietary supplements and
medications to help reduce any inflammation,
and (if necessary) surgery to prevent tears from draining away easily.
If dry eye syndrome is caused by an underlying
condition, treating this condition will usually help.
Here are some useful hints and tips on how
you can reduce your symptoms;
Good eyelid hygiene; keeping your eyes and eyelids clean and protecting them from dusty, smoky, windy and dry environments
Using your computer or laptop correctly to avoid eye strain (use the 20-20-20 rule: every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds)
Using a humidifier to moisten the air
Drinking plenty of water
Eating a healthy diet that includes omega-3 fats and colourful fruit and veg

Our Hero Products
At Kelly Eyecare we strive to keep up to date with the latest dry
eye research and technology. We attend events and seminars to
find out more the best information and new products out there
and only recommend the very best to our customers.
Here are some of our favourite tried and tested products:

Blephaclean Wipes
Blephaclean is a daily eyelid wipe containing a gentle, micellar solution,
free from preservatives, parabens, soap and perfumes. They keep the
eyelids clean whilst respecting the skin around the eyes and its natural bacteria and are clinically proven to reduce symptoms of blepharitis.

Hycosan Shield
Hycosan Shield is a unique lipid layer replacement drop for the
management of evaporative dry eye and meibomian gland dysfunction
(MGD). It works by forming an outer shield over the surface of the tear
film, reducing evaporation of the watery layer and keeping the eyes
hydrated. Preservative & phosphate free

Cinitas Soothe
Clinitas Soothe stabilises and boosts the tear film. It is a preservative-free eye drop in easy to use resealable droppers. It has a uniquely high concentration of sodium hyaluronate (0.4% NaHA), which occurs naturally in the eye and hydrates the tear film, this helps provide long lasting comfort protection. It’s ideal for everyday use as well as occasional use, thanks to the resealable droppers, which you can keep for up to 12 hours once opened.

Thealoz Duo
Thealoz Duo is our most popular eye drop. It’s best used for moderate to
severe dry eye disease. It is preservative free and contains natural ingredients designed to protect the epithelial cells on the eye’s surface, and also contains sodium hyaluronate, which adds moisture by retaining water to hydrate and lubricate the surface of the eye. One bottle lasts 6 months and it is suitable for use with contact lenses.
Further problems
Dry eye syndrome can lead to persistent of the eyes and be very uncomfortable. Severe untreated dry eyes can also cause blurred and fluctuating vision. If you are experiencing any of the above symptoms, it would be advisable to book an eye examination with one of the our highly trained Optometrists. We have the equipment and the expertise to examine your eyes and give you good advice on the best possible measures for your, depending on the type and severity of dry eyes that you have.

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